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Blogs as a Testing Ground

Can't implement a blog system without writing posts.

Default filler image

As I write posts, I'm also hoping to implement site features. I'm not entirely sure which features I'll want to have for my blogs, and there are two main ways of figuring that out:

  • taking "inspiration" from other good websites, and
  • writing my own blogs and seeing what's good.

Of course, there are tons of frameworks out there that allow you to do practically anything with your site. I'm planning on sticking to almost exclusively home-cooked HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (though JS most sparingly.)

I'm also trying to make this a pretty lightweight static website. I just think they're cool. I'm also looking to stick with semantic HTML. Bring it back to basics.

Feature Wishlist

As I grow my blog, I hope to implement more and more useful features to enhance both the reading and writing experience. Here are some features that I'm currently planning on, both for myself and for readers. I'll probably come up with more later, but I think I should start off slow and steady as to not have an endless list of things that'll never be implemented.

  • Sharability: I want to have links to blogs look nice when shared on other platforms, like Twitter or Discord. I think a big part of that is having a good enough preview interface, where like a little picture, headline, and teaser. Ah man, I'm going to need good pictures (or like a nice default picture for cases where I don't have specific pictures.)
  • Parentheticals: I want the ability to insert parentheticals into the text without either crowding the main text or making it overly difficult to view these parentheticals. This may take the shape of either in-text expansion, overlay windows, marginalia, or footnotes. That enables narrative formats that don't 100% adhere to a linear form. Probably going to take a lot of CSS.
  • Static Generation: Once I get familiar with writing posts in HTML, I'm hoping to be able to write a static generator to convert Markdown (perhaps expanded spec; call that Ragedown) into semantic HTML. That way, I can separate the content production from the publication. I can write most comfortably in lightweight formats like Markdown.
  • Link Anchors: I think it's nice when you can link to particular sections or passages in an article. I'll probably need to implement them as a part of the static generation because it seems like a pain to have to do that manually. Like when you hover over a paragraph and a little '#' symbol shows up that you can either go to or link elsewhere. Divine.
  • Aesthetics: The site doesn't look too bad right now, but I'm hoping to make it cooler to look at. Maybe put in some special styling to make it stand out from other blog sites, not sure. Right now it's pretty minimal.